It is continuous - changing in time and space (physical, virtual, simulated, falsified, synthetic, reality separated From real space and real-time, myth reality) - interdisciplinary artistic research of the artist Dalia Kiaupaitė, radually materialized by painting, drawings, performative in the form of non-academic lectures, etc., in which author explores the intermediate states of the identity of her woman/artist/“witch” and the relations that develop through them with other(s). The roots of the artistic and theoretical research are in the myth of Eglė (spruce), the Queen of Snakes and it's heroine Drebulė's (aspen) parallels with the author's biography.
The project is partially funded by the Lithuanian Culture Council
The project developed/participated in:
Work Retreat. Nida Art Colony. Lithuania. 2020 February-march
duna project round #4. Brassil/online. 2020 June-august
utena art centre in leliūnai. lithuania. 2020 june-august
Latvia‘s Performance Art Association residency Ma Telpa. Riga, Latvia. 2020 September
TECH ARTS INKUBATORIUS. Pakrantė, Vilnius, Lithuania. 2020 October - December
Residency. Scope BLN. Berlin, Germany. 2021 April - December


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